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7.9/ 10stars

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runtime: 2Hour 28 min

stars: Ellen Page

score: 1955408 vote

genres: Action

Mr. Cobb a unique con artist can enter anyone"s dreams and extract the most valuable ideas and secrets of people with the help of "inception" (a dream sharing technology) when the state of mind is at its vulnerable best. Cobbs ability has made him the face of corporate spying, hence a wanted man too. Seeing his abilities, he is approached by Saito to carry out an almost impossible mission not to steal, but to plant the idea into the mind of the legal heir of a billion dollar enterprenauer. Mr. Cobb, with some specialists, must do the impossible in order to get back his life in a completely different "world of dreams" facing his own demons

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Inception 2. Inception score. You missed out being able to hear Nolan and Zimmer winking at the audience when the music kicks as Saito confirms that they are dreaming. Why would Saito hire a group of people for a job when they couldn"t even accomplish their first job extracting information from his mind? Wouldn"t he want to hire people with a better success ratio? Cobb says he"s the best and then his whole team fails right after, so. I guess perception is subjective eh? Lol
Why did Cobb rush to the belief that accepting Saito"s inception job offer would also solve his law troubles so he could return back the states on faith alone so quickly? Wouldn"t he want to know more information about him first before accepting the offer? When he talks to Michael Caine in the lecture hall he sounds overwhelmingly convinced the job offer is the solution to everything, but why? Overacting?
Where did the first "kick" come from to trigger the avalanche in the 3rd level if JGL hadn"t blown the floor in the 2nd level and the van hadn"t hit the water in the 1st level?
How also was JGL on Level 2 with only "3 minutes" remaining able to make it down a flight of stairs and fight/kill a guy in the process, then fight/kill a guy in the hallway while bouncing around, THEN find the time to rope and bundle all of his comrades, push them into the elevator and THEN blow it.
When Fischer dies on Level 3 and gets pushed into Level 4/Limbo, why is Level 4 Cobb"s world? Shouldn"t it still be Fischer"s limbo world since they"re all still inside his multi-layered dream?
Every few years, I rewatch this movie hoping to get insight into why so many people consider it in their Top 5 of all-time, but it falls short every time.
Yes the CGI and slow-mo is uber creative and cool and the concept is a nice spin on the "dream within a dream" trope, but a little more attention to the story setup would"ve been nice to add some plausibility. Suspension of disbelief really only stretches so far in the minds of your audience, not to mention Marion Cotillard and Leonardo Dicaprio have ZERO on-screen chemistry with each other and we"re supposed to believe they were married and he can"t get over her? Eh. br> Names. br> Dom Cobb, Mal Cobb, Ariadne. br> There"s something that feels pretentious about the character names chosen for the story. None of them seem to fit any particular person terribly well, which adds to their unrelatability. Even though you know the names of Cobb"s children, it feels like he"s fighting to get back to the "idea" of them, but you don"t get any sense of why really? Come to think of it - most characters in the movie feel like "ideas of people" instead of multi-dimensional characters we can invest in. Granted not every movie requires a backstory for every character, but I do want to at least care about some of them?
Cobb doesn"t emanate love for who his kids actually are and we get no real sense of them as people. They"re one-dimensional plot devices used to justify his obsession, which is incredibly disappointing. I would feel a lot more for Cobb"s struggle if we could actually feel for and empathize with the people that matter (or are "supposed to matter" most in Cobb"s life. Also, who the hell is his children staying with after he flees the country? Their grandmother we"re meant to insinuate from the earlier phone conversation? If he was able to arrange for them to have someone to stay with, he would"ve had time to see their faces again, no? Are the grandparents divorced or why does Michael Caine"s grandpa work and live in a different country than grandma but will still be able to bring home "presents" for Cobb"s kids? Is he flying back to the states after the semester? Who gives Cobb the suggestion/plane ticket to flee in the first place and why does he have to leave at that EXACT moment? You mean to tell me he couldn"t have taken 5 seconds to run outside and wave goodbye to his kids to see their faces even while in a rush? Yeah, no.
And how long has Cobb been gone from the states exactly after he fled? A few months, a few years? If it"s the latter and the kids still haven"t aged at the end of the movie, why is everyone asking if Cobb is still dreaming? They"re literally wearing exactly the same outfits and have the same hairstyles as the day he left however long ago lmao.
I wonder if the studio execs demanded Christopher Nolan cut down the movie"s runtime significantly which subsequently removed a lot of the necessary plot setup scenes, which would be a damn shame. Nolan is a great director, but I doubt an extra 10/20 minutes to smooth out and not rush through all of the aforementioned issues would"ve been that big of an issue. They did a disservice to what could"ve been a truly great story, hence why I keep rewatching.

Cillian Murphy has been a win since 28 days later (and batman begins, and sunshine. Inception of fall. So. I saw Inception today. What was it about? Uhh. Inception. 452 simple minded people. Inception badshah. Inception trailer cz. Inception piano. Inception rotten tomatoes. Inception scene. Inception time. 6:30 i"ll use a 59min59sec song for a 59hour59min movie and get 5959 wins from cinemawins ??. Inception csfd. All these shills, and nobody mentioning how egregiously greedy and shortsighted it is for youtube to sell and rent movies when you can do that through half a dozen other corporate entities. What do you think this horseshit is going to do to content creators? For every “buy or rent” film to show up in my recommendations, I will pirate one movie.

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Inception trailer. Why does Tom Hardy still sound like Bane. Inception ending explanation. Inception soundtrack. Inception director. Inception wiki. Inception reviews. Sure wish Christian Bale would come back and reprise his role as Batman in the upcoming The Batman movie. Definitely thought he did an excellent job in the Dark Knight trilogy ??????. 6:17 EXCUTIVE. Inception hans zimmer. Question: if Mal was right and they were just still asleep. Couldn"t she just wake Cobb up if she was awoke in reality. Inception guitar. I literally watched Inception the day that this came out so, damn am I lucky! Thankfully, I didnt see it until now am able to be more immersed in the video. Great video just like always! Thanks for always making such amazing content. Inception theme. Inception full movie.

Inception dog food. When the world is over, this will play in the credits. A Hans Zimmer fan. Inception ending. Inception movie review. Wow when does this movie come out. I want to see it. Inception sound guy. Emotional azing movie. Inception was such a great film. It was easily the best movie of the 2010.
The plot was interesting, original and well made.
The performances were all incredibly good, specially the performance of Leonardo Di Caprio.
The atmosphere and the special effects were simply perfect, and all about this movie was incredibly good.
I used to thought that "The Drak Knight" was the best movie of Christopher Nolan, but "Inception" is even better than that movie (Don"t misunderstood me: The Dark Knight" was awesome, but "Inception" was even better) This movie is a masterpiece.

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